Trackman golf simulator is now part of almost every elite player’s arsenal…and is now available to you. Giving instant feedback on swing plane, face angle, & a multitude of other data points, our PGA Pros are able to use hard scientific data to improve your swing. Analyze and diagnose with fact-based confidence. Band together the forces of feel with real. Nurture and develop all levels of talent. The introduction of TrackMan 4 is the culmination of a three-year journey which began as an initiative to design and engineer the most powerful and accurate Launch Monitor ever built. The outcome is Dual Radar Technology – a radical transformation in the way radar technology is applied in golf today. Using two radar systems instead of one to obtain maximum data quality and increased pick up rates. This is what makes us one of the best Golf Schools in Houston.

System allows members to replay their swings in slow motion, in addition to capturing weight distribution information with our pressure-sensitive floor mats.